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Lost Love Back, Divorce Problem, Husband Wife Problem, Parents Approval For Marriage, Family Problem, Financial Problem, Intercaste Marriage, Business Problem, Love Problem, Delay In Marriage, Love Marriage, Health Problem, Job Problem, Etc…

From ancient times, people do rely on astrology. However, when we talk about astrology people do have doubts in their minds. Astrologer Yogi RAj ji is an astrologer helping people to know whether astrology exists or not. He is having a deep knowledge about astrology, which makes people to know about spirituality and be in its touch. He knows that today every person does into some kind of the problems. By creating the spiritual faith in his clients, he is solving their problems. His remedies are safe to use and brings up the sure change.

Astrologer Astrologer Yogi RAj ji is helping people to conquer all the problems, which come in their life. He never jeopardizes the lives of people. He has shown the right way to various people to bring them out from the complicated situations. He has expertise in situations like:

Solving The Love Marriage Problems
After Marriage Problems
Business And Economical Issues
Career And Job Related Problem
Child’s Education Problem
And there are lots of the problems which a person can solve by following the remedies by Astrologer Yogi RAj ji

People come to him to get affordable services. People usually get in touch with him through online or offline mode.

क्या आप प्रेमी या प्रेमिका की शादी तुड़वाना चाहते है।

क्या पति या पत्नी ने आपको छोड़ दिया है।

क्या प्रेमी या प्रेमिका ने आपको BLOCK कर दिया है।

क्या आप अपनी प्रेमी या प्रेमिका को वापस लाना चाहते हैं?

क्या आप अपनी सौतन या दुश्मन से छुटकारा पाना चाहते हैं?

क्या आप अपनी प्रेमी या प्रेमिका को वश में करना चाहते हैं?

क्या आप अपनी सास या बहू से परेशान हैं?

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Astrologer Yogi RAj ji 32 साल का अनुभव 4 लाख से ज्यादा लव प्रॉब्लम लव मैरिज की समस्याओं का समाधान कर चुके है अभी तक 13 बार गोल्ड मेडलिस्ट जीत चुके है| एक बार जरूर फोन करे

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देर ना करे ! कोई समस्या है तो तुरंत उसके समाधान के लिए से संपर्क करे क्यूंकि! जितना आप देर करेंगे या जितना आप सोचेंगे समस्या आपकी उतनी ही बढ़ेगी तो सोच क्या रहे हो ! अभी कॉल करो और अपनी प्रेम समस्या का समाधान प्राप्त करो वो भी केवल कुछ घंटो में

Astrologers in Kolkata Benefits of counseling after marriage The most important benefit of marital counseling is avoiding divorce or separation. Such situations are practically ending a relationship: it means that negative factors have already played their part in the 7th house. But how do you know that such factors will not bother you in the next relationship? And then and when the two divorcees want to move on to a new relationship. As a marriage astrologer let me tell you which of the two partners was more responsible for creating the situation of divorce.

Sometimes saving and maintaining the existing marriage can be the best solution. This is what I am saying which is most important because you never know how the relationship will be with a new partner? And what’s the guarantee that the factors that spoiled the first marriage won’t bother you in a new relationship after separation. Post-marriage counseling is the best tool to evaluate all the pros and cons before going for the worst decision of divorce/separation. Astrologers in Kolkata

Because once you decide on separation/divorce, the matter is more with the legal professionals and court where you have to accept the outcome as the last resort. There are many benefits of counseling after marriage. These factors make the relationship better and heat is felt in married life. Sometimes it also works as a stick and carrot principle, makes you ready to make sacrifices, enhances understanding but definitely helps you to avoid many bad phases in your life after divorce. Read that these factors are mentioned below:

 How post-marriage counseling works – Astrologically Astrology through post-marriage counseling can help in avoiding situations like divorce. Astrology tells which planet is causing which type of problem. Astrology, through an experienced marriage counselor, provides karma correction who can ease the problem. Astrologers in Kolkata

If you think so then your marriage is getting delayed. There is a whole chapter on this as an astrological point of view known as late marriage astrology or delay marriage astrology through which the age of late marriage can be found.

After seeing the delayed marriage in astrology once, surely a powerful solution to the delayed marriage can be found.

इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए “विवाह में देरी” पर क्लिक करें।​

Till now you must have used delayed marriage calculator which is also no marriage sum calculator.

If you think that there is no marriage in the horoscope, then do not let depression come due to delay in marriage. In astrology, the age of late marriage can be known in advance and the solution of delay in marriage can also be found. In astrology, delay in marriage can cause some problems. Let us know what are the consequences of marrying late. Astrologers in Kolkata

consequences of late marriage
Generally, delay in marriage leads to family unrest, social pressure, social bitterness, feeling of incompetence, inferiority complex, and sometimes physical imbalance, despair. There are many other distinct irreversible physical and psychological effects due to late marriage such as Astrologers in Kolkata

  1. Depression due to delay in marriage.
  2. Childbirth issues increase with age.
  3. Financial dissonance increases with age.
  4. The chances of finding a suitable partner decrease with age.
  5. With age comes physical ailments which can become a hindrance in the running of a good marriage.
  6. With age, people develop new responsibilities which are difficult to give up and may also hinder the smooth running of marriage.
  7. Happy families are rarely seen among those who marry late.
  8. With age, there come many such relationships which can haunt and hinder the marriage.
  9. With age, the power to adjust decreases, and the ability to force our ways increases. This makes the marriage useless.

All the above effects can be read in advance through systematic reading of horoscope by an expert astrologer, which can provide a solution to delay in marriage.

Since even these yogas cannot result in marriage in the horoscope, so take proper care and know the astrological remedies for late marriage. Astrologers in Kolkata

Marriage Delay Vedic Astrology Home and Planets
Late marriage age can be found in astrology. Following are the houses, planets, dashes, and transits of planets, reading which one can get the remedies for delay in marriage.

a) House for Marriage: According to Vedic astrology, the 7th house is the main house of marriage. But like two more houses. The 2nd and 11th dates are also important in finalizing any matrimonial alliance. The second house represents the family and connects a member of the family. The 11th house is the house of friendship and the life partner is a true lifelong friend. Also, the 11th house is the house of fulfillment of one’s desires, hopes, and desires. If there is a love marriage, then the fifth house should also be considered and read.

b) Planets of Marriage: The two main factors of marriage are Venus and Jupiter. In the horoscope of man, Venus represents the life partner and in the horoscope of a woman, Jupiter represents her husband. In addition to these, the effects of the following are also considered: Astrologers in Kolkata

Astrologers in Bhopal

  1. Lord of 2nd, 7th and 11th house
  2. The lord of the house whose lord is in the seventh house
  3. Navamsa Rashi of the seventh lord
  4. Planets in the Seventh House
  5. Planets conjunct the seventh house
  6. Lord of the fifth house in case of love marriage
  7. Nakshatra lord of the above planets.

c) Dasha: Marriage can take place in the dasha of the above planets.

d) Transit: The double transit of Saturn and Jupiter affects the first house and the seventh house or their lord which gives an indication about the timing of marriage.

A powerful solution to delayed marriage can be found by reading the above planets, Dasha, and transits.

Keep in mind, marriage delay remedies have to be prepared very efficiently which is not the job of a novice astrologer.

I have seen people taking measures for early marriage without success.

Astrological reasons for delay in marriage:

The astrological reasons for the delay in marriage in the horoscope can be attributed to certain planets ruling the 7th house in the birth chart. These naturally delay marriages as given in the table below:

7th lord Approximate age of marriage for a man Approximate age of marriage for a woman
moon 27 26
Jupiter 30 29
sun 32 30
Sat 33 30
If the seventh lord is the inauspicious effect in the birth chart, then the above age can be reduced by 2 years. But if the seventh house is in negative or unfavorable effect, then the above age can be increased by 2 to 3 years.

Delay in marriage due to astrological reasons Once attributed to any of the above planets, astrological remedies for late marriage can be worked out effectively.

But, before jumping to any conclusion, I recommend using the above ‘No Marriage Yoga Calculator’ for better understanding.

Other signs of delay in marriage Vedic astrology.
Following are some of the signs seen in the birth chart of delayed marriages in real life.

  1. The conjunction of Sun with Rahu in the birth chart can delay one’s marriage, especially if associated with the houses of marriage.

2, the conjunction of Mars with Rahu is either in the 7th house or the 7th lord should be aspected.

  1. If the lord of seventh and eighth house is being exchanged in a birth chart. If the seventh lord is in the eighth house and the eighth lord is in the seventh house, then there can be a lot of delay in marriage.
  2. If there is a conjunction of Saturn and Moon in the birth chart of a man, then generally there may be many obstacles in the horoscope responsible for late marriage.
  3. Inauspicious sight of Saturn or lord on any one or more of the ascendant, ascendant, seventh house and seventh house in the birth chart can delay the marriage of the native.
  4. Presence of Mangal dosha in Kundli usually delays marriage. This dosha is formed due to Mars being in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house. Some people also add other expressions to this list.
  5. Mangal dosha should be viewed according to the Lagna, Chandra chart (by revisiting the birth chart and the house in which the Moon is placed as the Ascendant) and Shukra chart (by reproducing the birth chart and making the house of Venus Must see. is placed in the form of Ascendant). This dosha gets strengthened when more than one of these three are present in the chart. Also, get an adequate analysis of the birth chart done for the possibility of cancellation of Kundli dosha.

The above are some combinations from marriage delay astrology and the remedies for late marriage are dealt with separately for each combination.

My advice is not to delay any kind of misunderstanding in the resolution of marriage. Rather get the chart analyzed for specific delays in resolving the marriage reasons.

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi’s Unique Way (Solution Due to Delay in Marriage)
I consider the following when doing Astro-calculations:

  1. Influence of past life or past becoming an obstacle in present life.
  2. Mangal or Manglik Dosh in Kundli.
  3. Blockages from within family members.
  4. The level of education and status of the child, especially of the girl child.
  5. Hidden inclination towards opposite sex friend.
  6. High expectations from the other side.
  7. Hidden weaknesses in a person. Astrologers in Kolkata

All the above factors are reviewed and correlated by analyzing various charts (D-1, D-9 to D-60). It helps in getting to the root of the delay in resolving the marriage reasons. Astrologers in Kolkata

I hope you have got complete information about the issue of delay in marriage as per astrology.

Read and Remedy to get married late

You can also read How Astrology Helps You in Love Marriage and Kundali Doshas?

Astrologers in Raipur
Astrologers in Raipur | talk to astrologer online free | free astrology consultation on phone

Astrologers in Raipur Post marriage counseling is an attempt to save the marriage when problems arise in married life. In fact, post-marital counseling is an attempt to prevent couples from resorting to divorce and legal matters. Let us first go through a simple self-assessment test and see for ourselves whether there is a need for an Astro-counselor session after marriage: If you think so then your marriage is getting delayed. There is a whole chapter on this as an astrological point of view known as late marriage astrology or delay marriage astrology through which the age of late marriage can be found.

After seeing the delayed marriage in astrology once, surely a powerful solution to the delayed marriage can be found.

इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए “विवाह में देरी” पर क्लिक करें।​

Till now you must have used delayed marriage calculator which is also no marriage sum calculator.

If you think that there is no marriage in the horoscope, then do not let depression come due to delay in marriage. In astrology, the age of late marriage can be known in advance and the solution of delay in marriage can also be found. In astrology, delay in marriage can cause some problems. Let us know what are the consequences of marrying late. Astrologers in Raipur

consequences of late marriage
Generally, delay in marriage leads to family unrest, social pressure, social bitterness, feeling of incompetence, inferiority complex, and sometimes physical imbalance, despair. There are many other distinct irreversible physical and psychological effects due to late marriage such as Astrologers in Raipur

  1. Depression due to delay in marriage.
  2. Childbirth issues increase with age.
  3. Financial dissonance increases with age.
  4. The chances of finding a suitable partner decrease with age.
  5. With age comes physical ailments which can become a hindrance in the running of a good marriage.
  6. With age, people develop new responsibilities which are difficult to give up and may also hinder the smooth running of marriage.
  7. Happy families are rarely seen among those who marry late.
  8. With age, there come many such relationships which can haunt and hinder the marriage.
  9. With age, the power to adjust decreases, and the ability to force our ways increases. This makes the marriage useless.

All the above effects can be read in advance through systematic reading of horoscope by an expert astrologer, which can provide solution to delay in marriage.

Since even these yogas cannot result in marriage in the horoscope, so take proper care and know the astrological remedies for late marriage. Astrologers in Raipur

Marriage Delay Vedic Astrology Home and Planets
Late marriage age can be found in astrology. Following are the houses, planets, dashes, and transits of planets, reading which one can get the remedies for delay in marriage.

a) House for Marriage: According to Vedic astrology, the 7th house is the main house of marriage. But like two more houses. The 2nd and 11th dates are also important in finalizing any matrimonial alliance. The second house represents the family and connects a member of the family. The 11th house is the house of friendship and the life partner is a true lifelong friend. Also, the 11th house is the house of fulfillment of one’s desires, hopes, and desires. If there is a love marriage, then the fifth house should also be considered and read.

b) Planets of Marriage: The two main factors of marriage are Venus and Jupiter. In the horoscope of man, Venus represents the life partner and in the horoscope of a woman, Jupiter represents her husband. In addition to these, the effects of the following are also considered: Astrologers in Raipur

Astrologers in Bhopal

  1. Lord of 2nd, 7th and 11th house
  2. The lord of the house whose lord is in the seventh house
  3. Navamsa Rashi of the seventh lord
  4. Planets in the Seventh House
  5. Planets conjunct the seventh house
  6. Lord of the fifth house in case of love marriage
  7. Nakshatra lord of the above planets.

c) Dasha: Marriage can take place in the dasha of the above planets.

d) Transit: The double transit of Saturn and Jupiter affects the first house and the seventh house or their lord which gives an indication about the timing of marriage.

A powerful solution to delayed marriage can be found by reading the above planets, Dasha, and transits.

Keep in mind, marriage delay remedies have to be prepared very efficiently which is not the job of a novice astrologer.

I have seen people taking measures for early marriage without success.

Astrological reasons for delay in marriage:

The astrological reasons for delay in marriage in the horoscope can be attributed to certain planets ruling the 7th house in the birth chart. These naturally delay marriages as given in the table below:

7th lord Approximate age of marriage for a man Approximate age of marriage for a woman
moon 27 26
Jupiter 30 29
sun 32 30
Sat 33 30
If the seventh lord is in auspicious effect in the birth chart, then the above age can be reduced by 2 years. But if the seventh house is in negative or unfavorable effect, then the above age can be increased by 2 to 3 years.

Delay in marriage due to astrological reasons Once attributed to any of the above planets, astrological remedies for late marriage can be worked out effectively.

But, before jumping to any conclusion, I recommend using the above ‘No Marriage Yoga Calculator’ for better understanding.

Other signs of delay in marriage Vedic astrology.
Following are some of the signs seen in the birth chart of delayed marriages in real life.

  1. The conjunction of Sun with Rahu in the birth chart can delay one’s marriage, especially if associated with the houses of marriage.

2, the conjunction of Mars with Rahu is either in the 7th house or the 7th lord should be aspected.

  1. If the lord of seventh and eighth house is being exchanged in a birth chart. If the seventh lord is in the eighth house and the eighth lord is in the seventh house, then there can be a lot of delay in marriage.
  2. If there is a conjunction of Saturn and Moon in the birth chart of a man, then generally there may be many obstacles in the horoscope responsible for late marriage.
  3. Inauspicious sight of Saturn or lord on any one or more of the ascendant, ascendant, seventh house and seventh house in the birth chart can delay the marriage of the native.
  4. Presence of Mangal dosha in Kundli usually delays marriage. This dosha is formed due to Mars being in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house. Some people also add other expressions to this list.
  5. Mangal dosha should be viewed according to the Lagna, Chandra chart (by revisiting the birth chart and the house in which the Moon is placed as the Ascendant) and Shukra chart (by reproducing the birth chart and making the house of Venus Must see. is placed in the form of Ascendant). This dosha gets strengthened when more than one of these three are present in the chart. Also, get an adequate analysis of the birth chart done for the possibility of cancellation of Kundli dosha.

The above are some combinations from marriage delay astrology and the remedies for late marriage are dealt with separately for each combination.

My advice is not to delay any kind of misunderstanding in the resolution of marriage. Rather get the chart analyzed for specific delays in resolving the marriage reasons.

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi’s Unique Way (Solution Due to Delay in Marriage)
I consider the following when doing Astro-calculations:

  1. Influence of past life or past becoming an obstacle in present life.
  2. Mangal or Manglik Dosh in Kundli.
  3. Blockages from within family members.
  4. The level of education and status of the child, especially of the girl child.
  5. Hidden inclination towards opposite sex friend.
  6. High expectations from the other side.
  7. Hidden weaknesses in a person. Astrologers in Raipur

All the above factors are reviewed and correlated by analyzing various charts (D-1, D-9 to D-60). It helps in getting to the root of the delay in resolving the marriage reasons. Astrologers in Raipur

I hope you have got complete information about the issue of delay in marriage as per astrology.

Read and Remedy to get married late

You can also read How Astrology Helps You in Love Marriage and Kundali Doshas?

Astrologers in Jaipur
Astrologers in Jaipur | Talk To Astrologers Online Free | free astrology call centre 24 hours

Looking for the Perfect Life Partner? All Your Answers Are Answered in Your Horoscope

Astrologers in Jaipur Life is pleasant with a perfect life partner but finding a perfect life partner is very difficult. Whether you are a college student, a working professional, or someone who has come to life, you must be looking for the perfect match for yourself with whom you can fulfill your dream of blissful home life.

After all, marriage is the only source of the family, isn’t it? Well, it’s an easier said than done dream come true. Each one of you must have a million questions about your future life partner. what would that look like? Will she be beautiful? Will he be funny and kind? What would she be doing in life? These are just some of the questions which often boggle your mind but the answer is not clear to you. Well, Jyotish has all the answers for you through a unique and scientific process of life partner prediction, with the help of a detailed analysis of your horoscope. Astrologers in Jaipur

इस पेज को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए “कैसा होगा आपका जीवन साथी” पर क्लिक करें।

Astrologers in Jaipur

In Astrology, the 7th house of your Kundli / Janam Kundli predicts the marriage partner and indicates the appearance, nature, and behavior of your life partner. A professional astrologer will study this house to see which planets are present in your 7th house at the time of your birth, as well as the planetary movements through your horoscope, to know everything about your soul mate. . Here’s a look at the different positions in the birth chart and what they signify for your partner.

Know the name of your life partner

Can you get a prediction for your future life partner name yes can get a prediction for future wife/husband name? Prediction of future wife/husband name is possible by date of birth. Your future life partner: Nakshatras play the most important role in the prediction of wife/husband.
Knowing the name of your future spouse becomes more relevant when you are looking for a future life partner. Once you know the name of your future wife/husband, your search becomes refined and more selective, primarily on matrimonial sites. Astrologers in Jaipur

To predict the name of the future life partner, Nakshatras play a very important role. Your seventh house, its lord, the seventh constellation lord, its foot helps in predicting the future life partner. The constellation in which you are born depends on the combination of planets and constellations at the time of your birth. So for any prediction about the name of the future spouse, one must be sure of the exact time of birth.

But it can give the first letter of the name of the spouse. Apart from the prediction of a life partner’s name, a thorough study of the 7th house can yield many more ideas about behavior, location, background, profession, and many other things. However, to know about the name of your future partner, accurate birth details are required, and also when you know the name of your future wife/husband, please re-confirm that it is the birth name. Sometimes people change their names, so be sure that you are only considering your birth name.

Know about the nature of your future life partner

Zodiac signs play a very important role in knowing the nature of your future wife/husband. Each person has a unique zodiac sign and each zodiac sign has certain inherent qualities/traits. So to know the nature of your future life partner/wife/husband one should check the number of expected life partners. The 12 zodiac signs are divided into 4 categories: water, fire, air, and earth. Take an example: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces with water signs would be best suited for each other with similar characteristics. Check out the zodiac sign to know the nature of your future spouse and your search becomes quite sophisticated. Nature compatibility resolves many issues after marriage so it is essential to know about the nature of your future life partner: whether it is wife or husband. Astrologers in Jaipur